Female Founded

My name is Emily Jaime and I am a mother, wife, and the designer and founder of YIREH. I started making plans for YIREH when I was 21 years old with very little money to spare while living in Bali, Indonesia. But I had a dream of creating a brand whose clothing would make women feel good and supported artisans in the process. A year later I launched my first collection with one style (our Pantai Short) in 32 prints and YIREH was born.
I am super lucky to have been raised by a strong woman, who instilled in me the belief that I could be and do anything. Growing up I never felt limited in what I could accomplish, and always challenged myself to think bigger. I never actually realized the prejudices or limitations societies placed upon women until my early twenties. Maybe that’s embarrassing and very naïve to admit, but I attribute my ability to have taken a lot of risks and start a business with no experience to this.

As I’ve gotten older and wiser I’ve since become aware of how much pressure is placed upon women, and it makes me sick. The pressure to be physically flawless, polite, not opinionated, sexy, domestic, a perfect mom, a perfect wife, career oriented, and to have it all together at all times. The fashion and beauty industries have long preyed on insecurities and played into this pressure - but with YIREH I have always been passionate about changing the narrative of the industry and showcasing that fashion can be a positive force for change. Women are so strong and unique, our goal is to design clothing that reflects that. We truly believe that you make our clothing beautiful, and not the other way around.

So today I’m here to tell you this: you don’t have to be perfect, you’re already good enough. It’s ok if you have dimples on your thighs and pimples in your 30’s. Nobody is a perfect mom/wife/sister/daughter/aunt - just do your best. You don’t need a man (or woman) to complete you, you’re already whole. You can want a career and have big goals. To all the other stereotypes and realistic expectations out there, let’s be courageous enough to say goodbye - and begin to step into who we actually are as women. We at YIREH are here to encourage you on your path, whatever it may look like - but also to let you know that you’re already doing great.
YIREH wouldn’t be what it is today without YOU. You are such an important part of this community! So thank you for supporting us and making YIREH what it is today. There is so much more to look forward to this year and throughout the years to come.